On Sunday, Sept. 29, 2019, HOUSTON/TYNER team members joined long-time client, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services, in its annual Alive & Running 5K Run/Walk for Suicide Prevention, raising awareness for suicide prevention. HOUSTON/TYNER recently offered its services to open Didi Hirsch’s Suicide Prevention Center in February 2019. The first in the nation, the Didi Hirsch...Read More
On October 15, 2019, Forbes released its 2019 list of the World’s Best Hotel Bars, recognizing HOUSTON/TYNER project, Thirsty Camel Bar of The Phoenician Resort. The best-of list comes from comprehensive data gathered by the company’s inspectors, who stay at nearly 1,100 hotels anonymously and evaluate them based on up to 900 standards for the...Read More
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